ICER Set to Evaluate Non-Drug Products in 2020

The Boston-based Institute for Clinical and Economic Review (ICER), an independent research organization that conducts health technology assessments to examine the clinical and economic value of prescription drugs, medical tests, and other health care and health care delivery innovations, announced on November 13th that in 2020, they are considering selecting two or more non-drug topics for assessment. On their list for potential evaluations are topics ranging from lenses for cataracts to apps for managing anxiety and depression. These first evaluations will be an extension of ICER’s research on prescription drugs as they work to adapt their experience in decision modeling for pharmaceutical products to models for devices, diagnostics, digital health, procedures, apps, health programs, and more.

ICER’s extension into non-drug assessments will have substantial implications for device, diagnostic and digital therapeutic innovators, as their new paradigm will allow for comparison of not only drugs against each other (or the natural history of disease), but also a comparison of products from different spaces within the life sciences industry. For example, also making their short list is a potential comparison of devices for atrial fibrillation compared to dabigatran.

Those of you with experience working with ICER likely already understand the importance of ensuring the data and model structure they use is reflective of your knowledge and expertise, which is critical to ensuring a favorable review. At Veranex (formerly Boston Healthcare Healthcare), we regularly leverage our expertise in health economics to assist clients with health economic modeling and ICER planning. To learn more about ICER, what they are doing, and what this might mean for you, be sure to register for our upcoming Xtalks webinar on Wednesday, March 25 at 11am!