Recent Study Co-authored by Veranex Researchers collaborating with a leading U.S. Ophthalmology Practice Highlights Real-World Workflow Efficiencies of Cloud-based Surgical Planning Software in Cataract Surgery

A research team led by Veranex researchers and a leading U.S, ophthalmology
practice recently published results from a real-world time-and-motion study, in
which they documented substantial time-saving value associated
with use of an innovative digital platform that provides enhanced device
interoperability and simplified workflow and data entry throughout the
pre-surgery planning through procedure completion.

The time-and-motion study was
conducted at a practice site in Salt Lake City, Utah by the Veranex Commercial
Strategy & Market Access research team (Zavodni Z, Pan LC, Mok K, et al.
End-to-End impact of a cloud-based surgical planning system on efficiency in
cataract surgery: a time-and-motion study. ClinOphth 2023;17:1885-1896.

Workflow time savings with the digital
surgery planning platform were statistically significant compared to the
standard of care across preoperative, intraoperative, and postoperative phases
in the clinic and operating room for astigmatic, post-refractive, and
conventional cataract patient cohorts.

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