Training Day, September 26
Two Day Conference, September 27-28
Annapolis, MD, US

Veranex is proud to present Biocompatibility Insights 2023, a two-day conference and training day created to inspire, educate and network.
We are very proud of our exceptional Program Advisory Committee: Ted Heise, Arthur Brandwood, Sherry Parker, Ron Brown, Lars-Magnus Bjursten, and Philip Clay. Together with our Biocompatibility Experts Lina Burman and Monica Grekula, they have created an interesting and fruitful conference program that you find here.

Conference Agenda
Day 1
Welcome to our world – the current state of ISO 10993
The role of Chemistry in evaluation of Medical Devices
Aspects of extractions
Toxicological Risk Assessments
Panel discussion
Day 2
The case of implantation – When and why are implantation studies really relevant?
New risk assessment approaches to evaluate skin sensitization
Safety assessment addressing inhalation
Closing plenary
Panel discussion
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