A research team led by Veranex researchers and a leading U.S, ophthalmology practice recently published results from a real-world time-and-motion study, in which they documented substantial time-saving value associated with use of an innovative digital platform that...
Study by Veranex and Alcon Highlights Time Efficiencies for Femtosecond Laser-Assisted Cataract Surgery
Veranex's Commercial Strategy team partnered with Alcon in 2020 to design and execute a time-and-motion study comparing Alcon's femtosecond laser system against a competitor. The goal of this study was to compare time efficiencies between the two systems, as cataract...
Recent Study Co-Authored by Veranex to be Presented at ISPOR 2024
225,000 vitrectomy surgeries are performed annually in the U.S. A time-driven cost analysis conducted at a US academic hospital found the average true cost of routine vitrectomies (including macular hole (MH) surgeries) is $7,169.79 per patient, $2,000 above CMS’s...
Study Co-Authored by Veranex Found that Mobile Cardiac Outpatient Telemetry (MCOT) was Associated with Lower Readmissions and Healthcare Costs in Post-Stroke Monitored Patients, Compared to Implantable Loop Recorders
This study compares the health and economic outcomes of using mobile cardiac outpatient telemetry (MCOT) and implantable loop recorders (ILRs) for long-term monitoring following an inpatient visit in patients who have had a stroke by analyzing Optum’s de-identified...
Collecting Clinical Data in a Post-COVID Environment
Prediction: In 10 years, clinical trials will be nearly paperless and clinical trial historians will note that the Coronavirus pandemic was the tipping point. Every study has been affected. Sponsors are delaying or extending existing trials, postponing new trials. And...
Demonstrating Clinical Utility Using a Validated Methodology From the Market Research Toolkit
Veranex Director Lauren Fusfeld uses a case study to show how conjoint analysis can demonstrate to payers and health care providers the clinical utility of a prognostic test. Lauren's article is featured on page 30.
Recent Study Co-authored by Veranex Staff Highlights Cost-effectiveness of Home Non-invasive Ventilation in Patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) in the United Kingdom
By developing a cost-effectiveness model and associated manuscript for home non-invasive ventilation in patients with persistent hypercapnia after an acute exacerbation of COPD, Veranex bolstered the economic argument for home non-invasive ventilation in the UK. The...
Bridging Design and Manufacturing
For growth-stage companies, finding a contract manufacturer to take on low volume runs and bridge the gap between design and manufacturing can be a challenge. Especially where time and cashflow is concerned, it’s critical to work with a partner that can seamlessly...
Grounding Your Investment in Human-Centered Design With a Foundational Needs Assessment
We sat down with leaders from top life sciences companies to discuss foundational needs assessments – how to do them, what can go wrong when you don’t, and why every investment decision should start with the question, “What is the need?” “We’ve canceled programs where...
Event Recap: Biocompatibility Insights 2023
This year’s Biocompatibility Insights conference took place in Annapolis, MD, US from September 25–27, 2023. The framework for the event was “Exploring the science behind the regulations” with the sub theme “Addressing challenges in medical device toxicology. Keynote...