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Document Review: A Nuanced Process in Medical Writing

Veranex is determined to provide complete support to our healthcare partners to reach our shared goal of advancing medical care and improving patients’ quality of life. Our integrated, comprehensive solutions support every stage, from concept to commercialization. In...

Risk Management in Pharmacovigilance

It’s important to know that whenever a new medicinal product is authorized based on specified indications at the time of authorization, the benefits of the product for the target population must be shown to outweigh the risks of using the product. Generally, ...

The Power of Generative Artificial Intelligence in Medical Writing

The use of artificial intelligence (AI) in clinical trials is evolving quickly. According to the research and consulting firm, Gartner, the life sciences industry is experiencing a “boom” in AI-powered drug development. AI technology is already being applied to early...

Does Size Matter? Rescue from a large CRO

THE CHALLENGE Missed timelines and EDC build errors compromised the potential success of the company’s phase 1 study.THE SOLUTION Experienced team members and robust internal reviews resulted in a timely, high-quality EDC build and data management plan.THE OUTCOME...

Strategies for Successful Clinical Data Management Rescue Studies

What is a rescue study? A rescue study is a clinical trial that is being conducted by a new vendor after having previously been conducted by another vendor or in house by the sponsor. The reasons for the change may be based on issues negatively affecting timelines,...